Do you know how much you should be eating daily?

Mark Dean Edwards, PN L1 Coach

Mark Dean Edwards, Precision Nutrition L1 Coach, CFL2 Trainer, Minimalist Nutrition + Fitness

"How much should I eat?"
Find out. You're likely eating more than you realize.

Just sign up for my weekly newsletter and I'll prepare your customized Calorie and Macro guide to get you started toward better nutrition, weight loss, and deep health.

    Check your spam folder if you don't receive a confirmation email.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    “I was shocked at how many calories I was over-eating every day. I couldn't understand why I wasn't losing weight. Now I know why. ”

    man self portrait wearing gray and white collared button-up shirt near green leaf plant with white ceramic pot

    Joe M.

    Bronx, NY

    What you get:

    Your custom guide will show you what you need to know to get started on your weight management journey:

    • How many calories you need to maintain your weight.
    • How many calories you need to either lose weight or gain muscle.
    • A simple method to estimate portion sizes without weighing food.
    • Calories and food macros specifically for your goals and activity levels.
    • "Best food options" to optimize health and nutrition.
    • Easy to make recipes for your specific food preferences.
    • And more!

    What is it all about?

    As a Precision Nutrition L1 Nutrition coach, I'll prepare your guide based on the details you provide. Your guide will take into account your age, present weight status, body composition goals, activity levels, and food preferences.

    If your goal is to lose weight, your guide will give you an accurate perspective whether your target date is realistic or not.

    This information is invaluable to get you started on your health, fitness, and weight loss quest.

    Every 1000 mile journey begins with a single step. Getting your custom Calorie, Macro, and Portion Guide is that first step. Remember, getting started is always the hardest part. Eighty percent of people never get started. Being part of the 20% will be the best thing you've ever done.